Here are some selected works.
Canner, Judith; Jennifer Clinkenbeard; Steven Kim; Alison Lynch; Peri Shereen; Alana Unfried; Jeffrey Wand (In Review). Redefining Success: A multifaceted approach to as-sessing departmental change in first year mathematics/statistics. MAA Notes Volume on Diverse Equitable and Inclusive Issues in Calculus Programs.
Canner, J., Dahlen, S., Gage, O., Graff, N., Gregg, S., Shapiro, D., Wood, S. (2020). Engaging Faculty in Assessment of Institutional Learning Outcomes. Assessment Update.
J.E. Canner, A. Unfried (2019). What to do with the p-value in Introductory Statistics? MAA FOCUS Magazine. December/January Issue. Unfried, A., J.E. Canner (2018). Doing Social Justice: Turning Talk into Action in a Mathematics Service Learning Course. PRIMUS 29:3-4, 210-227.
Canner, J.E., A.J. McEligot, M.E. PĂ©rez, L. Qian, X. Zhang (2017). Enhancing Diversity in Biomedical Data Science. Ethnicity and Disease, 27(2): 107-116.
Banks, H.T., K. Bekele-Maxwell, J.E. Canner, A. Mayhall, J. Menda, and M. Noorman (2017). The effect of statistical error model formulation on the fit and selection of mathematical models of tumor growth for small sample sizes. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 117(1): 203-234.
Canner, J.E., R.R. Dunn, I. Giladi, K. Gross (2012). Redispersal of seeds by a keystone ant augments the spread of common wildflowers. Acta Oecologica, 40: 31-39.
Canner, J.E., and M. Spence (2011). A new technique using metal tags to track seeds short distances. Ecological Research, 26(1): 233-236.
Luke, R.C., Morrissey, J.L., Reinke, E., Sevene, T.G., Canner, J.E., Adams, K.J. (2014) Managing Mental and Physical Fatigue during a Collegiate Season. International Sport Coaching Journal, 1: 24-32
Canner, J., L. Jones & J. Purdom (2006). Sequences of Reducible {0,1}-Polynomials Modulo a Prime. Journal of Integer Sequences, 9: 06.3.3.